Who We Are

The Holy Union Sisters are a small international congregation of Catholic women religious founded in France in the 1820’s and minister today on four continents. We wear a cross inscribed on the front with the Latin words, Sancta Unio, as a symbol of our internationality. These words remind us of the desire of our founder, Jean Baptiste Debrabant, who in a letter to the sisters in 1842, wrote of the special significance of our name:


“You have received that name only that you may form all together
  a union of heart, mind and affection in Jesus and Mary."

Jean Baptiste Debrabant

Our charism of Union calls us to live in a life-giving relationship with ourselves, with those with whom we live in community, with all God’s people and with the whole of creation. Aware of the evolving story of the expanding universe, we hear an urgent call to explore and broaden our vision of the diversity, connectedness, and interdependence of all life, revealing to us the deeper dimensions of our charism.      (Collegial Assembly 2017) 
Through our diverse ministries: education, social services, health and pastoral care, parish ministry, we strive to bring our charism of union to all people. 

We invite you to explore this website to learn more about us, our mission and history, how our sisters live out our call “to be at the Heart of the World, revealing God's love.    (Article 1 Holy Union Constitutions)


Where We Are

You can find Holy Union Sisters living and ministering in Argentina, Belgium, Cameroon, France, Italy, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The General Council, four sisters elected at our General Chapter, form an international community in Rome. These sisters come from Cameroon, Ireland, and England. 
Learn more about the Holy Union Sisters in the United States by visiting their website: www.holyunionsisters.org